HR Update

2023 HR Summit Moved to the Fall

Due to start-of-year business needs and scheduling conflicts, the date of the 2023 HR Summit has been postponed to October. All HR employees systemwide will be invited to attend with the one-day event focused on reconnecting with HR colleagues, reflecting on what we've learned during the past year, and building knowledge regarding relevant issues facing HR professionals and today’s workforce. Registration will open in September and updates can be found at

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Reminder: the University must comply with NEO requirements under PELRA.

Benefits-eligible employees can adjust marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, a change in eligibility, or another life event.

Toolkit will help HR leads prepare supervisors for PAT transition.

Reminder that non-emeriti retired employees need to update their benefit information.

Learn about accounts you should check now due to changes to University email account retention.