HR Update

Additional Guidance on Union Orientation

Following the recent Guide for New Employee Orientation and Union Meetings brown bag session, we have expanded the guidance and FAQs based on the questions raised in the meeting. The updated guide includes expanded clarification on the roles of local HR and the union with each of the four options as well as an expanded FAQ. 

Please reach out to the ELR team at with any additional questions.  

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October is National Retirement Security Month! University vendor Fidelity is here to help you secure your finances. 

A note for supervisors

Learn about resources to help you navigate student loan repayments.

Back-to-school promotions are everywhere, but the Tax Management Office could have your best opportunity for savings.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), effective September 1, 2023.