HR Update

Tyler Miller in the ReUse facility
Meet Tyler Miller

“Sustainability is important to me, and I like that I make a tangible difference in reducing waste at the University. Plus I enjoy the flexibility and good benefits I get through my job.

“One thing I like about working at the University is that we can choose our vendors by quality instead of only using price. For example, a while back we weren’t able to verify that a vendor was actually recycling our used printer toner cartridges. We were able to switch to a vendor that we can trust to actually process and recycle the magnitude of cartridges the Twin Cities campus produces. This recycler is more expensive, but we know we’re doing the right thing to reduce waste.”—Tyler Miller, ReUse Specialist, Teamsters Local 320

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Meet the College of Veterinary Medicine's Dr. Mike Henson!

New process for HR Leads to request a MOU or grievance settlements about applicable union/collective bargaining agreements

Reminder: the University must comply with NEO requirements under PELRA.

Benefits-eligible employees can adjust marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, a change in eligibility, or another life event.

Toolkit will help HR leads prepare supervisors for PAT transition.