HR Update

OHR Hiring Two Positions

HR Lead
OHR is hiring an HR Lead (job code: 9351GT) to shape and execute HR strategies and activities for OHR and its departments, including overseeing the PEAK Office. The ideal candidate will have at least six years of experience; a commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion; and strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Priority consideration will be given to internal candidates through March 14, 2024. Please share the job posting (job ID: 359858) with anyone you think may be interested. 

Classification Analyst
OHR is also hiring a classification analyst (job code: 8182HR). Successful candidates have a combined total of at least six years of education and experience, enjoy working at the University, and are interested in job classification. Experience with job classification is a plus but not required. Please share the job posting (job ID: 359894) with anyone who may be interested.

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