HR Update

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Grievance Settlement Process

To ensure compliance and consistency across the institution, ELR developed a process for HR Leads to request a MOU or grievance settlements about applicable union/collective bargaining agreements.  As a single employer, it is extremely important we adhere to a centralized process for such requests to mitigate risks and ensure awareness of contractual obligations. For questions, please contact

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The 2023-24 Wellbeing Program year ends on August 31, 2024.

Materials are available from Competency Architecture for HR Roles Workshop.

Submit names for non-HR job family employees on your HR team who should be invited to the 2024 HR Summit.

Find events and resources from University benefit providers on mental health, financial wellbeing, parenting, parental leave, and more. 

Get to know your University retirement savings benefits through MSRS and Fidelity!