Dashboard Overview

Each supervisor in the U of M system who has five or more direct or indirect reports respond to the 2023 Employee Engagement Survey will receive an invitation in early 2024 from uofmnsurvey@qualtrics-survey.com to access their results via the online dashboard.

Features Overview

Screen shot of Dashboard with corresponding numbers to explain the features of the page.
1. UMN 2023 ResultsAllows switching between different reporting hierarchies ("Faculty," "Staff") where available. If you do not see this option it means you only have access to one hierarchy.
2. WelcomeBrings you back to the Welcome page.
3. Response RateProvides your response rate and includes the total N size compared to how many respondents were included.
4. Guide to Comparison ColumnsDefines the comparison data columns shown throughout different pages (Same Unit 2021, Same Unit 2019, College benchmarks, Campus benchmarks, Total UM). 
5. Key MetricsProvides definitions and score detail on the two indices: Commitment & Dedication and Effective Environment. Shows the results compared to the trend data for your unit (when available) as well as the internal benchmark data for the University.
6. Engagement ProfileShows how Commitment & Dedication and Effective Environment interact to create Engagement. The Engagement Profile identifies four distinct groups of employees, characterized by differing levels of motivation and support. 
7. Results by Key Metrics and DriversContains all survey questions grouped by Key Metrics and Drivers. The charts show the survey items which, for your team, are most highly correlated to either Commitment & Dedication or Effective Environment.
8. Question Sorting ToolContains all multiple-choice survey questions. By default, the questions are sorted from the highest to lowest Favorable (green) score.
9. CommentsView employee comments. Note: At least 10 comments per question are required to generate a comment report. Learn more about comments best practices.
10. Results forIndicates current reporting hierarchy by the supervisor name.
11. ExportReports are available in multiple formats and can be downloaded or emailed.
12. ResponsesIndicates the number of people who completed the survey.


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