Payroll and HRMS Calendars

How to use this calendar

To help you stay informed about payroll dates and deadlines, the Office of Human Resources has created a dynamic, live Google Calendar for your use. The payroll calendar is also available as a spreadsheet

  • Select your preferred view: You can view this calendar multiple ways: weekly, monthly, or in a streamlined agenda. Toggle to whichever view suits you best. 
  • Integrate with your personal Google Calendar: In the bottom right corner, click the "+Google Calendar" button to add it to your calendar collection. This will help notify you of any changes. 
  • Stay informed: Enjoy knowing you have real-time access to the latest payroll information and deadlines. 

Payroll Appointment Dates by Year

Payroll Appointment Dates

Payroll Off-Cycle Direct Deposit Processing Schedule

Off-cycle direct deposit schedule chart


Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2023

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/20/22 - 6/18/23262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/29/22 - 5/28/2319 1/21560
10 Month8/15/22 - 6/11/2321 1/21720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/15/22 - 5/14/2319 1/21560
9 Month UMD8/22/22 - 5/21/231/2 191560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2024

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/19/23 - 6/16/24262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/28/23 - 5/26/2419 1/21560
10 Month8/14/23 - 6/9/2421 1/21720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/14/23 - 5/12/2419 1/21560
9 Month UMD8/21/23 - 5/19/241/2 191560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2025

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/17/24 - 6/15/25262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/26/24 - 5/25/2519 1/21560
10 Month8/12/24 - 6/8/2521 1/21720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/12/24 - 5/11/2519 1/21560
9 Month UMD8/19/24 - 5/18/251/2 191560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2026

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/16/25 - 6/14/26262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/25/25 - 5/24/2619 1/21560
10 Month8/11/25 - 6/7/261/2 211720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/11/25 - 5/10/2619 1/21560
9 Month UMD8/18/25 - 5/17/261/2 191560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2027

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/15/26 - 6/13/27262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/31/26 - 5/30/271/2 191560
10 Month8/17/26 - 6/13/271/2 211720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/17/26 - 5/16/271/2 191560
9 Month UMD8/24/26 - 5/23/2719 1/21560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2028

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/14/27 - 6/11/28262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/30/27 - 5/28/2819 1/21560
10 Month8/16/27 - 6/11/281/2 211720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/16/27 - 5/14/281/2 191560
9 Month UMD8/23/27 - 5/19/2819 1/21560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2029

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/12/28 - 6/10/29262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/28/28 - 5/27/291/2 191560
10 Month8/14/28 - 6/10/291/2 211720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/14/28 - 5/13/291/2 191560
9 Month UMD8/21/28 - 5/18/2919 1/21560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates Fiscal Year 2030

TermDatesPay Periods*Hours
12 Month6/11/29 - 6/9/30262080
9 Month Twin Cities/Rochester 8/27/29 - 5/26/301/2 191560
10 Month8/13/29 - 6/9/301/2 211720
9 Month UMM/Law/UMC8/13/29 - 5/12/301/2 191560
9 Month UMD8/20/29 - 5/17/3019 1/21560

*A half pay period can take place at the end of a term, the beginning of a term, or at the beginning and end of a term.


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Payroll Appointment Dates

12-Month Appointment Dates

Fiscal YearBegin DateEnd Date


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10-Month Appointment Dates

Fiscal YearBegin DateEnd Date


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9-Month Appointment Dates—Twin Cities and Rochester

Fiscal Year9-Month Dates
(39 Weeks/195 days/19.5 pay periods)
Fall Semester
(19.5 weeks)
Spring Semester
(19.5 weeks)
20238/29/22 - 5/28/238/29/22 - 1/11/231/12/23 - 5/28/23
20248/28/23 - 5/26/248/28/23 - 1/10/241/11/24 - 5/26/24
20258/26/24 - 5/25/258/26/24 - 1/8/251/9/25 - 5/25/25
20268/25/25 - 5/24/268/25/25 - 1/7/261/8/26 - 5/24/26
20278/31/26 - 5/30/278/31/26 - 1/13/271/14/27 - 5/30/27
20288/30/27 - 5/28/288/30/27 - 1/12/281/13/28 - 5/28/28
20298/28/28 - 5/27/298/28/28 - 1/10/291/11/29 - 5/27/29
20308/27/29 - 5/26/308/27/29 - 1/9/301/10/30 - 5/26/30


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9-Month Appointment Dates—UMC, UMM, and Law School

Fiscal Year9-Month Dates 
(39 weeks/195 days/19.5 pay periods)
Fall Semester
(19.5 weeks)
Spring Semester
(19.5 weeks)
20238/15/22 - 5/14/238/15/22 - 12/28/2312/29/22 - 5/14/23
20248/14/23 - 5/12/248/14/23 - 12/27/2312/28/23 - 5/12/24
20258/12/24 - 5/11/258/12/24 - 12/25/2412/26/24 - 5/11/25
20268/11/25 - 5/10/268/11/25 - 12/24/2512/25/25 - 5/10/26
20278/17/26 - 5/16/278/17/26 - 12/30/2612/31/26 - 5/16/27
20288/16/27 - 5/14/288/16/27 - 12/29/2712/30/27 - 5/14/28
20298/14/28 - 5/13/29 8/14/28 - 12/27/2812/28/28 - 5/13/29
20308/13/29 - 5/12/308/13/29 - 12/26/2912/27/29 - 5/12/30


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9-Month Appointment Dates—UMD

Fiscal Year9-Month Dates 
(39 weeks/195 days/19.5 pay periods)
Fall Semester
(19.5 weeks)
Spring Semester
(19.5 weeks)
20238/22/22 - 5/21/238/22/22 - 1/4/231/5/23 - 5/21/23
20248/21/23 - 5/19/248/21/23 - 1/3/241/4/24 - 5/19/24
20258/19/24 - 5/18/258/19/24 - 1/1/251/2/25 - 5/18/25
20268/18/25 - 5/17/268/18/25 - 12/31/251/1/26 - 5/17/26
20278/24/26 - 5/23/278/24/26 - 1/6/271/7/27 - 5/23/27
20288/23/27 - 5/19/288/23/27 - 1/5/281/6/28 - 5/19/28
20298/21/28 - 5/18/298/21/28 - 1/3/291/4/29 - 5/18/29
20308/20/29 - 5/17/308/20/29 - 1/2/301/3/30 - 5/17/30


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