The following sections describe the various salary adjustments available to Civil Service and P&A employees. If you have questions about Civil Service salary adjustment policies or about salary adjustments for other employee groups, contact your unit's HR professional.
Merit Adjustment
Faculty and staff who aren't covered by a collective bargaining agreement receive compensation increases based on merit. You can review these Merit Pay Increase Considerations & Options to better understand the requirements of your merit program and how merit increases can be awarded. Employee performance is documented in the University's required annual written performance evaluations. Merit increase awards are at the discretion of college or department management.
In-Range Adjustment Based on Internal Equity or Market
An in-range adjustment is an increase to base pay within the employee’s existing pay range. An in-range adjustment can be used to restore internal equity among employees. It can also be used to reflect an individual’s increasing skill set and its worth in the external market. The amount of an in-range adjustment is commonly determined by the documented quality of the employee’s performance and skill set. These increases are initiated by college or department management.
Market Review
The compensation unit of the Office of Human Resources maintains current information on competitive labor markets for jobs at the University. If you believe the market for your position has changed but can't find market competitive salaries in your existing salary range, you can request a market analysis.
Temporary Assignment Augmentation
An employee who is officially assigned by management to perform all the duties of a vacant higher classification, for five or more workdays, may be eligible for an augmentation per policy. Augmentations for longer than a year will be reviewed for possible reclassification. Employees will also be paid at the augmented rate for overtime (if Non-V in their current classification), vacation leave, and sick leave.