HR Update

OHR reception desk closed as of April 1

The Office of Human Resources permanently closed the reception desk as of Monday, April 1, 2024. After reviewing the volume of in-person visitors seeking help from those working in the reception area, it was clear that OHR has very few job seekers or employees who drop into the office for services. Due to this reason, we believe our administration can continue to serve our OHR and campus community well without a dedicated staff person in the reception area. 

What this means for employees and visitors: 

  • Employees with scheduled appointments with a benefits counselor must ring the doorbell and someone will let them in. As a reminder, in-person appointments are available on select Thursdays.
  • Employees with paperwork to drop off can ring the doorbell to hand the material to a person. If it is after hours, or on a Friday, there will be a basket on the wall (by the doorbell) with envelopes so they can place the form/document into an envelope and slide it under the door.
  • Anyone with human resources questions can call or email the OHR Contact Center (612-624-8647 or 800-756-2363 or
  • Anyone needing OHR administrative support must email, which is checked regularly throughout the day.


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