U Services Positions

Alex Wegrzyn at the bee garden in St. Paul

U Services offers jobs year-round. Open positions may include:

  • Engineers
  • Gardeners and landscapers
  • Cooks
  • Cashiers
  • Custodial workers
  • Drivers
  • Stores specialists

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Employee Stories


Hollie Teslow next to daffodils with downtown Minneapolis in the background

"I take pride in where I work. The history of our five campuses is something really special." Read Gardener Hollie Teslow's story.

Matt Gingerich next to a tree

“I’m working toward becoming a certified arborist, and the University is a great place to grow my skills." Read Assistant Gardener Matt Gingerich's story.

Todd Knowler on a Landcare vehicle in front of Northrop Auditorium

"It’s gratifying to see students and visitors appreciate our work, taking pictures of our flowers and studying on the lawn." Read Senior Gardener Todd Knowler's story.

Steven Blodgett by the Armory

"I’m one of those people who has always loved digging holes." Read Senior Gardener Steven Blodgett's story.

Elliot Redmann in his office with a large bur oak cross-section

"I love feeling the energy and excitement from the University community, and it's fulfilling to watch the landscape and trees grow over time." Read Landcare Supervisor Elliot Redmann's story.

Becky Schmidt on the mall with a Landcare vehicle

"I love working outdoors on our beautiful campus." Read Irrigation Technician Becky Schmidt's story.

Alex Wegrzyn in the bee garden

"Right now I’m working with partners and student interns to take 40 acres owned by the University and restore it to a natural area." Read Natural Gardener Alex Wegryzn's story.

Facilities Management

Dwayne Holmes

“If you’re bored at your job, come work at U Services. We’ll match your skills and abilities to a job that’s right for you.” Read Delivery Service Driver Dwayne Holmes' story.

Joe VanGuilder in a Waste Recovery Services truck

"My time at U Services has made me passionate about recycling and helping the University do better." Read Delivery Service Driver Joe VanGuilder's story.

Photograph of Zero Waste Program Manager Todd Tanner

"Our main goal is to keep items out of landfills and incinerators." Read Zero Waste Program Manager Todd Tanner's story.

U Market Services

Emily Oberfoell in the U Market Services warehouse

"My days go quickly, as my work keeps me busy and engaged." Read Principal Office and Administrative Specialist Emily Oberfoell's story.

Bryn Rose next to a cart in the U Market Services warehouse

"I like that I work at an organization with a mission that I support that also offers excellent family benefits." Read Stores Specialist Bryn Rose's story.

Jeff Ryg in front of a red U Market Services van

"I didn’t plan on being here for 30 years. But what happens is you start working, you move around to different parts of the U, you get experience, and you realize that you can spend the rest of your career here." Read Delivery Service Driver Jeff Ryg's story.

Seth Lopez reaching for a package in the warehouse

"When COVID hit, I was grateful for the stability of my job. I felt safe, like I could depend on the U to take care of us." Read Stores Specialist Seth Lopez's story.

Drew Cramer at his work station with packages

"Everyone’s usually got a smile on, but if you’re having a rough day we’re here for you." Read Stores Specialist Drew Cramer's story.

Other U Services Jobs

Farhiyo Ahmed smiling

"I would love to see more people like me working at PTS and at the U in general. This is a job for everybody." Read Operations Manager Farhiyo Ahmed's story.