HR Update

Angelie, a vet tech assistant, and Nigel, a cute black and white dog, in an exam room
Meet Angelie Moua

"Before working at the University, the thought of applying or even working here sounded pretty intimidating. But when I was searching for a job, I stumbled across a vet tech assistant opportunity at the Veterinary Medical Center (VMC), so I decided to apply." 

"I’ve always wanted to be an advocate for animals. I studied animal science at the U of M, so being a vet tech assistant is a great first step for me. At the VMC, I learn something new every day. Plus, I get to work with experts who are also ready to learn every day, and they make sure to explain what they are asking of me in ways I can understand. Everyone at the VMC is super respectful, as well as passionate about teaching and learning together.”—Angelie Moua, Veterinary Technician Assistant

Learn more about veterinary technician jobs at the Veterinary Medical Center.

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Caring for yourself through nutrition.

Employee appreciation enhances career wellbeing.

Planning to retire in the next 10 years? Get ready with resources offered through University partners and the Office of Human Resources. 

Easy-to-share data practice and records slides for new employees.

HR at the U training dates for March, July, and December 2024.