HR Update

April is Earth Month

Did you know spending time outdoors can help reduce stress and boost your mood? Not only is it great for your physical health but it can also spark creativity! Appreciate the earth and kickoff a season the warmer days by not only taking the time ourselves as managers but also by encouraging employees to: 

  • Move fitness outdoors - Being in nature has been shown to reduce blood pressure, reduce chronic disease and enhance overall physical fitness. 
  • Take a mental health break by simply getting a breath of fresh air - Nature provides the best setting to take a moment to decompress & find peace during a busy day. 
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Instructions for wage change notices.

The University has retired the required approval process for any individual hires of Tenure or Tenure-track faculty, job offers with a starting salary of $100,000 or greater, and retention offers.

From University retirement savings vendor Fidelity Investments

Systemwide HR summit planned for mid-to-late July 2023. Details to come.

Consider starting or increasing contributions to a voluntary plan to save thousands of dollars more for retirement over the course of your career.