Mental Health Resources

Find a Mental Health Provider

Mental health care is covered by the University's Medical Program. Find a mental health provider by location, name, gender, ethnicity, or specialty using the Live and Work Well site from Optum. Use "medica" as your access code.

You can also call Medica Behavioral Health at 1-800-848-8327 to ask for help finding a mental health provider. This phone line is open Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. If you call after hours or on a weekend, you will be directed to a Crisis Line for support.

Free, Confidential Help Through Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a problem-solving resource available to address any personal or work concern that may be affecting your wellbeing. With this confidential service, a professional counselor helps assess your situation, identify options, make choices, and get additional options for help, including referrals. Learn more about this service and get in-the-moment support anytime.

Virtual Care Options Offer Flexibility

Amwell offers virtual behavioral health care services, including therapy and psychiatry, for UPlan members. Eligible behavioral health services are covered as an office visit with a primary care copay. Your Amwell visit can be through a computer or mobile app any time of the day or night.

Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Support Through the Wellbeing Program

You can find resources to help manage stress and enhance your resilience through the Wellbeing Program, including:

  • Phone coaching or in-person coaching to support you in managing anxiety, sleeping well, and coping with depression
  • Online Mindfulness at Work program which now has pay-what-you-can pricing
  • Online courses through Wellbeats on mindfulness and other topics

Other Resources:

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides information for individuals and caregivers on mental health conditions.
  • BIPOC Mental Health Collective is available for University BIPOC Staff and Faculty and meets virtually monthly for a wellness activity and small group discussions.
  • Gender care support and services are available for employees on a University medical plan. Medica has dedicated Case Managers who specialize in gender care and can work with you to create a personalized care plan and find providers that meet your needs.