HR Update

PAT Transition Guide

The Talent Strategy team is in the final stages of modernizing the University’s Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT) and has created a PAT Toolkit for HR Leads. The toolkit includes training information, a suggested timeline for communications to supervisors, and templates for HR Leads to use to prepare their units/college. The refreshed platform will launch in June and will provide a more intuitive user experience and resolve current pain points. A special thank you to Megan Ferden, Lynda Flores, and Jordan Denney for reviewing the toolkit. Contact Shannon Luloff ( with any questions.

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"The University of Minnesota's impact extends far beyond the walls of the campus."

Hiring template letters updated to reflect the discontinuation of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

2023 HR Summit date postponed to October. 

Updated principal investigators list.

Open job posts will automatically update to remove employee COVID vaccine requirements.