HR Update

Processing Unemployment Claims

Effective immediately, the University’s unemployment vendor, Experian, has changed over to encrypted emails for processing Unemployment Claims to protect the claimant’s SSN. 

The designated UI contact at the College/Unit will receive the encrypted email and will need to log on to a secure portal to view and complete the claim. To access the claim, click on "Read the message" and then click on "Sign in with a One-time passcode". An email will be sent to you with the code. Please reply directly in the encrypted message with the information and documentation regarding the separation of the employee.

Please contact with any issues or questions regarding this change.

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This is a reminder that employees whose positions are designated as “Essential” (pertaining to a University state of emergency) need to be informed of such status in writing. 

Updates to entertainment discounts offered through MERSC

The Office of Human Resources is proud to co-sponsor the Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing’s Wellbeing Series of free webinars.

The next UEA mediation session is scheduled for March 18, 2024.

Checklist available to help distinguishing between GA and non-service fellowships.