HR Update

2023 HR Summit

Members of OHR and the HR community are finalizing the location and date for an in-person HR event in mid-to-late July on the Twin Cities campus. All HR employees systemwide will be invited to attend the one-day event focused on reconnecting with HR colleagues, reflecting on what we've learned this year, and refreshing knowledge on important topics as we head into the new academic year. A save-the-date email will be sent once details are confirmed.


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A note for supervisors

Learn about resources to help you navigate student loan repayments.

Back-to-school promotions are everywhere, but the Tax Management Office could have your best opportunity for savings.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), effective September 1, 2023.

Updated policy information addressing poor air quality and options for outdoor workers.