HR Update

Deadline Approaching for Required Disability Accommodations Course

The Canvas-housed Fundamentals of Disability Accommodations and Inclusive Course Design has a completion deadline of June 18, 2023, for all instructors. The University has experienced a significant increase in students seeking disability accommodations in our courses and, to meet this need has rolled out the one-hour course for all faculty, instructional staff, and graduate teaching assistants systemwide. HR Leads have access to the course status of individuals and are encouraged to place reminders in newsletters and other appropriate online and in-person opportunities. Learn more at

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A note for supervisors

Learn about resources to help you navigate student loan repayments.

Back-to-school promotions are everywhere, but the Tax Management Office could have your best opportunity for savings.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), effective September 1, 2023.

Updated policy information addressing poor air quality and options for outdoor workers.