HR Update

Essential Employee Designations

This is a reminder that employees whose positions are designated as “Essential” (pertaining to a University state of emergency) need to be informed of such status in writing. Below is an excerpt from the University policy that defines this requirement in greater detail.

Departments/units are responsible for identifying Essential positions and individuals who may be in back-up positions to those designated as Essential, and notifying these individuals of their role. Central administration, through the senior administrator, may also designate certain positions as Essential. The senior administrator for a campus, college, or administrative unit has the authority and responsibility to determine which employees are designated as Essential for particular types of emergency, and will inform such employees in writing. Any position may be designated as Essential at any point during a University State of Emergency, even if not designated Essential or alternate for an Essential position prior to the University State of Emergency, depending on the type of emergency. Employees may be designated as Essential on a situational basis, (e.g., in the event of an emergency) or for a defined period of time.

For questions or clarification, please contact

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