HR Update

Lisa K. sitting on the Goldy Gopher giant Adirondack chair in front of Coffman Memorial Union
Meet Lisa K.

Through the "Dear Minnesota" campaign, the University of Minnesota has collected stories of how the University has improved the lives of our students, faculty, and staff. Employee Lisa K. shared their story—here's an excerpt:

"I came to Minnesota in 2000, after a couple of jobs, I was hired on at the U of M. Long story short, using the Regent's Scholarship and working full time, I was finally able to make a dream of mine come true."

Read Lisa's full "Dear Minnesota" submission

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A note for supervisors

Learn about resources to help you navigate student loan repayments.

Back-to-school promotions are everywhere, but the Tax Management Office could have your best opportunity for savings.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), effective September 1, 2023.

Updated policy information addressing poor air quality and options for outdoor workers.