HR Update

Postdoc Opportunities Board

At the request of the Graduate School, we are sharing a new and free resource available to recruit exceptional candidates for your open postdoc positions. The University of Minnesota has joined a coalition of postdoc offices from 17 institutions to create the Postdoc Opportunities Board to promote postdoc recruitment. This email will be sent out to faculty who supervise postdocs, and research associate deans. Please direct your questions to the Graduate School. 

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Select from two training options for Corrective Action and Discipline Training.

The University Wellbeing Program vendor has changed its name. Learn more about when changes will be rolled out. 

Here’s how Rochester employees enrolled in the University medical plan can get a biometric screening.

Change to hiring template letters outlines an employee's responsibility to return technology when leaving the University.

 SkillSurvey reference process now requires three references, not five.