HR Update

Saving for retirement
What an extra 1% can do

Did you know that just 1% extra per paycheck can lead to thousands (or tens or hundreds of thousands) more dollars to help you enjoy retirement? For example, if you’re 28 years old and make $50,000 per year, adding 1% of your salary (less than $10 a week) to your retirement savings could add more than $160,000 to your nest egg when you retire.*

Use this Fidelity tool to see what a 1% increase could do for you, and sign up for a plan or modify your contributions here.

*See Fidelity tool for disclaimer.

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A note for supervisors

Learn about resources to help you navigate student loan repayments.

Back-to-school promotions are everywhere, but the Tax Management Office could have your best opportunity for savings.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), effective September 1, 2023.

Updated policy information addressing poor air quality and options for outdoor workers.