HR Update

Saving for retirement
What an extra 1% can do

Did you know that just 1% extra per paycheck can lead to thousands (or tens or hundreds of thousands) more dollars to help you enjoy retirement? For example, if you’re 28 years old and make $50,000 per year, adding 1% of your salary (less than $10 a week) to your retirement savings could add more than $160,000 to your nest egg when you retire.*

Use this Fidelity tool to see what a 1% increase could do for you, and sign up for a plan or modify your contributions here.

*See Fidelity tool for disclaimer.

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The State of Minnesota will never text or email you. Learn how to protect yourself and what to do to prevent being targeted for unemployment insurance fraud, which is growing nationally. Employees who think they may have been the targeted for this type of fraud should take action and learn more about unemployment insurance fraud. 

This required educational module for all employees provides information on preventing and responding to sexual misconduct, retaliation, and discrimination based on race, national origin, disability, gender identity and expression, religion and other protected characteristics.