Parenting in the Real World

University employees and spouses
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Event Description:

Let’s face it—parenting is tough. And it’s not always clear what to do. Parents are bombarded with conflicting advice on how to better raise their children. There are more books on parenting than any one person could read in their lifetime. At the same time, parents raise their children in the face of enormous pressures: financial concerns, work demands, family problems, and so on.

Instead of offering yet another list of tips on better parenting, this workshop will suggest a simple but powerful practice. It will teach you to respond to any parenting dilemma with three simple steps: 1. Press pause, 2. Notice what’s going on, and 3. Choose your response. It’s a practice that helps parents respond more effectively to their emotional reactions while taking action based on their values. In this way, parents can choose to be who they want to be in any parenting moment, whether it’s a blissful day at the park or a total meltdown at the supermarket.

Earn 200 Wellbeing Points for attending!