HR Update

Earth Month Webinars

To emphasize the importance of Earth Month, the Wellbeing Program has two webinars worth checking out and sharing with employees. 

  • Composting: Green, Easy and Good for the Planet - April 9 at noon - Learn how to easily integrate composting into your daily routine. Discover composting's environmental benefits, such as reducing food waste and enhancing soil health, that enrich your personal green space. 
  • What’s Good for You is Good for the Planet - April 24 at noon - Join a panel of sustainability experts as they discuss how climate/health impacts U of Sustainability public health climate resilience strategies, how to reduce transportation emissions, the link human health, climate change, and planetary health, and how to build resilience in the face of climate change.

Each webinar earns 200 Wellbeing Points.

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If an employee is interested in attending U of M Day at the Capitol, the supervisor would need to support it, and the employee will need to take vacation time to attend.

Reminder and resources to help remain in compliance with new bargaining unit new employee orientation requirements.

Language to use in Graduate Assistant appointment letters in 2024 until a contract is reached.

ELR Liaison Staci Darling named UReport Coordinator

HR Leads should use this chart to guide you in who to contact at ELR in early 2024 while the team fills several positions.