HR Update

UReport Coordinator

Effective today, ELR Liaison Staci Darling will be the UReport Coordinator. In this role, she will review, assign and ensure UReports are completed in a timely manner. We will be rolling out a standard UReport process and timeline in the near future to all HR Leads. In the meantime, please make sure your HR staff who are involved in investigations complete ELR’s Investigation at the U training.

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January 15 Deadline for GA pay changes.

To align with state law, the University revised how employees can use ESST.

The meeting will review and act on the ratified collective bargaining agreement between the Graduate Labor Union-United, Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (GLU-UE) and the University.

Prepare for tax season by making sure your information is correct.

In rare cases, employees may start their appointment prior to the completion of a background check.