Job Offer Letters in Recruiting Solutions


Job offers for new hires that have been recruited by Talent Acquisition are prepared and approved using the procedures outlined below. This process includes the job offers for the following groups: 

  • Civil Service 
  • Labor Represented (Teamsters, AFSCME Clerical, AFSCME Technical)
  • P&A non-teaching

When a unit is ready to hire a candidate, the unit must submit a TDX Hire request, as approved within the unit. 

The job offer preparation and approval in Recruiting Solutions follows this sequence of events:

  1. Staffing Operations prepares the job offer in Recruiting Solutions.
  2. Talent Acquisition reviews and approves the offer.
  3. The department approver reviews and approves the offer.
  4. Staffing Operations receives the approvals.
  5. Staffing Operations generates the offer letter in Recruiting Solutions.
  6. Staffing Operations posts the offer and letter for the candidate to review and approve.
  7. Options to view and print a copy of the offer letter are available to the hiring department after the letter is generated.

For more information, refer to the sections below.

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Unit Submits TDX Hire Request

The hiring unit or department is responsible for initiating the job offer process with Staffing Operations by submitting a TDX Hire request with accurate and complete details.

Units will approve the job offer after it is prepared by Staffing Operations and approved by the Talent Acquisition recruiter. 

Note: The department/unit must identify the job offer approver in the TDX request so that the job offer can route to the department for approval.

Staffing Operations Prepares Job Offer

  1. Staffing Operations reviews the TDX Hire request submitted by the department.
  2. The necessary data will be entered, including Start Date and Job Components (like pay information).
  3. Staffing Operations will submit the job offer for approval by the Talent Acquisition recruiter and a department approver (as identified by the hiring unit on the TDX request.)

Talent Acquisition Recruiter Reviews and Approves

The recruiter receives an email notification indicating that a job offer is pending their approval.

  1. The Approver may use the email link to access and review the job offer; the HRMS homepage Approvals navigation tile will also open the Pending Approvals page.
  2. Comments are optional for approvals.
  3. If “Deny” is selected, the recruiter must enter Comments.

Department Approver Reviews and Approves

  1. The department approver will receive an email with a link to access the job offer to review and approve. The job offer may also be accessed through the Approvals tile on the HRMS homepage. 

The email will have the following information:

Subject: Your Approval is Required for a Job Offer

The following job offer was created that requires your approval:

Job Opening ID: [JO ID Number]
Job Posting Title: [Title]
Applicant ID: [App ID Number]
Applicant Name: [Display Name]
Comments: [Most recent comment entered in offer details]

Please use the following link to view and respond: 
[URL to job offer transaction in fluid approvals]

Do not reply to this email; replies are sent to an unmonitored mailbox. If you have questions, please reach out to the OHR Contact Center at or call 612-624-8647 or 800-756-2363.

  1. Review the details of the job offer for accuracy, such as the following items:
  • Position Number
  • Applicant
  • Start Date
  • Job Offer Components
  • Appointment Type
  1. Note that the job offer details, as approved, will populate in the job offer letter. The letter is automatically generated following the job offer approvals by Talent Acquisition and the department. See below for information on options to view and print a copy of the generated letter.
  2. An option to view the Comments is available by clicking on the View Job Offer link. Note that Comments are also listed in the email.
  3. Click the Approve button in the upper right corner of the job offer window to approve the job offer. 
  4. Click Submit in the popup window that displays the job offer summary.

Note: To Deny a job offer if the Start Date or Job Components need adjustment:

  1. Click the Deny button in the upper right corner of the job offer window.
  2. Enter comments in the popup Approval Comments box that appears.
  3. Click Submit to complete the action.

Staffing Operations Posts Offer

  1. Staffing Operations will be notified of the approvals by Talent Acquisition and the department approver.
  2. Staffing Operations will then generate the job offer letter in Recruiting Solutions. 
  3. Staffing Operations will notify the candidate. Staffing Ops will post the job offer letter for the candidate to the Careers site to review and accept. The candidate will also receive an email that includes the job offer letter and any other attachments that are part of the prepared job offer.

Hiring Unit: View or Print the Generated Job Offer Letter

The hiring department may view the offer letter via the job offer page in Recruiting Solutions after the letter has been generated. This applies to department staff with the UM HR RS Dept Recruiter access role in Recruiting Solutions.

Generated letters are available on the Prepare Job Offer page: Recruiting Home > Search Job Openings > Other Actions (on applicant row) > Recruiting Actions > Prepare Job Offer.

Note that additional training on these steps is available in the online course, Job Offer Letters in Recruiting Solutions.

Exception: Upload Letter Cases

Note that there may be unique and infrequent cases when Staffing Operations must use an uploaded letter rather than the automatically generated letter described above.

In those cases, the department would access the job offer to approve by using the Approvals tile on the HRMS homepage or using the emailed link.

The difference in the approval is that the department approver would see an attachment link visible on the Job Offer page when they are reviewing the job offer. They would open and review the letter during the approval process.

For questions, contact the Talent Acquisition recruiter or the OHR Contact Center at or call 612-624-8647 or 800-756-2363.