HR Update

New Employee Orientation Requirements

As a reminder, the new Minn. Stat. Sec. 179A.07, Subd. 9 law allows unions to have in-person access to new employees in the bargaining unit for 30 minutes of paid time within 30 days of starting employment. If new employee orientations are being held, the applicable union(s) should be notified by local HR at least 10 days in advance. Please work with the unions to ensure compliance with this new requirement which apply to all unions at the University, including LELS, 1-M, 1-B, IBEW, Trades Council(s), Teamsters, AFSCME, UEA-D, UEA-C, and GLU-UE. 

We wanted to spotlight what a couple of campus, college, units are doing to ensure compliance with the new law.

  • Extension: Due to a dispersed geographical workforce, Extension arranges remote new employee orientation meetings between the employee and AFSCME.
  • CSE: The College of Science and Engineering has arranged monthly meeting times for the GA union (GLU-UE) to meet with new GAs hired into their college.

Additionally, please remember that the following resources are available to the HR community to help ensure compliance with the new law.

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The EEOC has consolidated two existing EEO workplace posters into one. These required labor/employment postings should be physically displayed in a manner that all employees can view them at their regular workplace.

In rare cases, employees may start their appointment prior to the completion of a background check.

Sharing a reminder on the 2022 limits and the new 2023 limits.

Beginning December 1, units no longer need to manually enter the dates of successful background checks.

An opportunity for new HR practitioners to gain an understanding of HR policies, principles, and practices at the University of Minnesota as well as network with other HR professionals from across the system.