HR Update

New Function Live in Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT) Platform

The goal-setting portion of the new PAT platform goes live on Monday, July 29, 2024. At that time, supervisors and employees will be able to log in and set goals to start the performance cycle. Talent Strategy recommends HR leads send either option A or B of email number four from the PAT Transition Guide depending on whether or not they will host workshops for supervisors. 

The ability to document ongoing check-ins and write evaluations will be available in early January 2025.

Additionally, PAT Administrator Training launches next week via Canvas. Those designated as PAT administrators (except view-only admins) will receive an email invitation to complete the course.

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Reminder and resources to help remain in compliance with new bargaining unit new employee orientation requirements.

Language to use in Graduate Assistant appointment letters in 2024 until a contract is reached.

ELR Liaison Staci Darling named UReport Coordinator

HR Leads should use this chart to guide you in who to contact at ELR in early 2024 while the team fills several positions.

This is a reminder that employees whose positions are designated as “Essential” (pertaining to a University state of emergency) need to be informed of such status in writing.