HR Update

New Minnesota Legislation on Pay History

As of January 1, 2024, Minnesota employers, including the University of Minnesota, cannot ask about a job candidate's current salary or salary history per a law that passed during the 2023 legislative session. This applies to internal and external candidates, which means that it is also illegal to look up a candidate's salary in PeopleSoft. You may still ask a candidate's salary expectations. 

Learn more about this change, and view the full statute (see the pay history addition under Subd. 8).

For union position hires, the law will not be applicable to employees covered by a contract effective January 1, 2024, until a subsequent agreement is negotiated. The University also has rules on promotional increases for both union and non-union employees that reference an employee's current salary. We are working with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights on updating these, and we will let you know how to proceed with increases once we have more information. 


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The Regents Scholarship is now the Regents Tuition Benefit Program, effective March 18, 2024. Learn more about other changes to the benefit. 

Laura starts as an ELR consultant on March 18, 2024.

Register for HR @ the U by Monday, March 11.

Notify Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees of their role using this template.