HR Update

Essential Employee Template - Now Available

A new letter template is available to designate Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees for Campus and Building closures or a declaration of Reduced Operations.  This is saved as an appendix under the University State of Emergency: Human Resources Implications policy.

 It is expected that all Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees be notified of their role in writing.  This completed letter shall be saved in the employee’s personnel file. 

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March is National Nutrition Month! Find benefits-related resources to help you learn more about nutrition, recipes and meal prep, finding a dietitian, and more. 

Access changes to Google accounts and University logins for suspended employees.

Change formalizes a best practice.

Support AFSCME employees who would like to participate in the April 1 Day on the Hill event.

The Office of Human Resources has launched HR TDX Insights, a mailing list designed to keep HR professionals, supervisors, and administrative staff informed about updates to TeamDynamix (TDX) as part of PEAK.