HR Update

UReport Coordinator

Effective today, ELR Liaison Staci Darling will be the UReport Coordinator. In this role, she will review, assign and ensure UReports are completed in a timely manner. We will be rolling out a standard UReport process and timeline in the near future to all HR Leads. In the meantime, please make sure your HR staff who are involved in investigations complete ELR’s Investigation at the U training.

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Juneteenth is a paid holiday just like Memorial Day.

Talent Strategy Center of Expertise (TSCoE) team maintains a community of external consultants available to help develop the skills of top and/or promising employees.

Refinements to the Priority Hire Process will match Priority HIre candidates in a more timely fashion.

New video addresses common questions about leaves.

Results of the late-April Graduate Assistant vote to unionize are available.