HR Update

Faculty Emerti Status

If you have not done so already, please review the status of your faculty in PeopleSoft to ensure those who should be faculty emeriti are coded correctly. This should be completed by December 2024. There are a few emeriti training resource links available (note that you will first be asked to log in to the HRMS Instruction page): 

Feel free to replicate the PDF form CEHD uses to gather information from their departments. Contact Lori Mein ( with questions.

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Campuses, colleges, and units will no longer need to submit a request for approval to hire independent contractors and engage current temporary agency arrangements, nor will OHR need to approve any hires.

Employee contributions to Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS) reduced for two years and the vesting period changed from five to three years.

Learn about changes to employee contributions and the vesting period for the MSRS pension plan.

"I earned my master's degree in soil science in May of 2021 and continue working at NWROC [Northwest Research and Outreach Center]."

"Getting up each day to work at a job you are passionate about is truly a blessing."