HR Update

Chris quote
How LSS Financial Can Help Employees With Student Loans

University financial counseling vendor LSS Financial recently shared a University employee's story of having $125,000 of student loans forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, with help from LSS. Here is an excerpt of the story, published with permission from LSS and Chris, the employee:

"Chris found out about LSS Financial Counseling through his employer as an employee benefit offered through LSS Financial Counseling’s Financial Choice service. 'I heard they helped individuals get enrolled in student loan forgiveness programs, but the prospect of contacting someone for help and acknowledging my problem was scary, daunting and intimidating. . . .

“'From my very first meeting and each one after that, [my LSS financial counselor] was very respectful. He didn’t come down from an ivory tower to tell me what to do and talk down to me. There was no shame or judgment. He was just another member of the community who had answers and tools. He was there to assist me, not fix me.'" Read the full story on LSS's blog.

Wondering how LSS Financial may be able to help you and your family? Learn more about this free service for University employees. 

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