HR Update

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Grievance Settlement Process

To ensure compliance and consistency across the institution, ELR developed a process for HR Leads to request a MOU or grievance settlements about applicable union/collective bargaining agreements.  As a single employer, it is extremely important we adhere to a centralized process for such requests to mitigate risks and ensure awareness of contractual obligations. For questions, please contact

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Irrigation Technician Becky Schmidt shares her experience of working with U Services.

Business Manager Janee Meyers shares her experience of working with U Services.

Principal Office and Administrative Specialist Emily Oberfoell shares her experience of working with U Services. (Pictured here with her sister, Allison, on her right.)

Stores Specialist Seth Lopez shares his experience of working with U Services.

Farhiyo Ahmed shares her experience of working with U Services.