HR Update

Message Planned for Anticipated Legalized Marijuana 

In preparation for when Governor Walz is expected to sign the recreational marijuana bill into law, we have drafted a communication to Twin Cities faculty and staff regarding the law's impact on working life. There is no change to expectations as people cannot come to work under the influence now, but we are making it clear in this email. We are also explicitly calling out that people cannot grow plants in their offices as the new law will allow people to do so in their homes. The email has been shared with communication leads on system campuses in advance and will be sent to Twin Cities faculty and staff upon confirmation of the bill signing.

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Effective May 28, 2023, non-exempt 9 and 10-month University employees will no longer be disqualified from receiving unemployment benefits between academic terms.

The Canvas-housed “Fundamentals of Disability Accommodations and Inclusive Course Design” has a completion deadline of June 18, 2023, for all instructors.

The University is rolling out a new online sexual misconduct prevention course for employees who have not completed the prior sexual misconduct course.

Employees who violate the University’s Drug-Free policy, Smoke-and Tobacco-Free policy, or Code of Conduct and perform work while impaired due to the use of controlled substances are subject to disciplinary action.

The anticipated legalization of recreational marijuana in Minnesota will not impact employee performance expectations.