HR Update

Postdoctoral salary floor adjusting for fiscal year 2024

For budget-planning purposes, we want to let you know that the salary floor for postdoctoral associates will be increasing to $54,835 for fiscal year 2024. All postdocs who are paid below this salary floor will need to have their pay increased to $54,835 with a June 19, 2023, effective date.

This salary floor adjustment is based on updated market data for postdoctoral associates, including data on minimum stipends published in April 2022 by the National Research Service Awards. It is our hope that proactively adjusting these salary floors each fiscal year will keep postdoc salaries competitive and help maintain the University of Minnesota as a top destination for postdoctoral associates.

For more information, please contact Mary Rohman KuhlSenior Director of Total Rewards, or Scott Lanyon Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education.

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