HR Update

Ernest Bergmann on the Twin Cities mall next to a blue truck
Meet Ernest Bergmann

“Before joining the University three years ago, I didn’t think I was University material, but campus needs people like me caring for it. I think the University represents a nice balance of people–you have the students, the staff, the professors, and visitors all coming together to enjoy our beautiful campus. 

“My favorite part of working here is the harmony between us and the variety of wildlife we get to see every day. We see a variety of birds, squirrels, bunnies, ducks and ducklings, geese and goslings, and foxes. I have one tree that I call Turkey Tree because of how many turkeys I see perched in its branches.

“The best time to see wildlife on campus is right away in the morning. We see hawks, eagles, and fledglings soaring over the river. And of course, there's nothing like seeing a mob of turkeys majestically stopping traffic and no one seems to mind.”—Ernest Bergmann, Senior Laborer, Teamsters Local 320 

Favorite type of tree: I appreciate the mighty oak.

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ELR is offering three trainings this fall for HR practitioners.

Date, time, and locations known for 30-minute AFSCME-coordinated centralized new employee orientation (NEO) meetings.

Beginning January 1, 2024, budgeted pay range must be included in every job posting.

Form allows for time sensitive removal of access.

Two senior labor relations consultants added to ELR team.