HR Update

Joe VanGuilder in a Waste Recovery Services truck
Meet Joe VanGuilder

“Before I started working at the University of Minnesota nine years ago, I didn’t know how important recycling was. My time at U Services has made me passionate about recycling and helping the University do better. I know that I can make a difference here, and I value the vacation and sick time I get as a University employee.”—Joe VanGuilder, Delivery Service Driver, Teamsters Local 320

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"I like to stay busy, and I like to make people smile."

“Working at Wilson Library was my favorite–all types of people go through there."

“I’m a people person, and I’ve learned a lot from the people here."

“The benefits here were also attractive–I’m thinking of taking some classes in art, design, or filmmaking.”

"Getting up each day to work at a job you are passionate about is truly a blessing."