This guided online orientation contains research-based supervisory practices with a context specific to the University of Minnesota’s policies, procedures, governance and priorities. Learn what it means to be a supervisor at the University of Minnesota and build awareness about details specific to you and your direct reports.

Download the New Supervisor Orientation Flyer (PDF)

Program Details

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Registration and Course Dates

Upcoming 2025

  • February 3 - March 3
  • June 2 - June 30
  • August 4 - Sept 2
  • October 6 - Nov 3

Course Content

Learning Objectives

  • Identify strategies to address key challenges new supervisors face
  • Describe the University’s expectations for supervisory roles and responsibilities
  • Learn about the best practices in giving feedback and performance management
  • Gain insight into specifics of the University landscape (key initiatives, policies, employee groups) and how they may affect your role
  • Locate support and resources to improve your supervisory skills and become a more effective supervisor
  • Build the learning plan that will help you improve your supervisory skills and knowledge beyond the course

Course Expectations

Course Commitment

The four-week course requires approximately 2-4 hours per week.

Training record

Participants who complete the course will earn a course completion on their University of Minnesota training record.

Four user icons connected by lines.

Learn and Connect

  • Independent learning: Activities include topic readings and videos and written reflection assignments
  • Applied learning: Through assignments, you will connect with your manager and others and reflect on how the topics relate to your work
A line icon of a person jumping over blocks.

Build Awareness and Measure Progress

Supervisory Readiness Assessment at the beginning of the program helps identify current gaps, and provide focus on how to bridge them.

Several circles connected by lines with arrows.

Plan the Next Steps

Create a Learning Plan that outlines your next steps, including:

  • Reflections on what you have learned
  • Action(s) you’re going to take and what impact you hope to have