HR Update

Faculty Emerti Status

If you have not done so already, please review the status of your faculty in PeopleSoft to ensure those who should be faculty emeriti are coded correctly. This should be completed by December 2024. There are a few emeriti training resource links available (note that you will first be asked to log in to the HRMS Instruction page): 

Feel free to replicate the PDF form CEHD uses to gather information from their departments. Contact Lori Mein ( with questions.

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New and free available resource to recruit for open postdoc positions.

If an employee is interested in attending U of M Day at the Capitol, the supervisor would need to support it, and the employee will need to take vacation time to attend.

Reminder and resources to help remain in compliance with new bargaining unit new employee orientation requirements.

Language to use in Graduate Assistant appointment letters in 2024 until a contract is reached.

ELR Liaison Staci Darling named UReport Coordinator