HR Update

Hiring Template Letters Updated

Hiring letter templates have been streamlined to eliminate multiple versions for each employee group. The new templates prompt hiring managers to insert the offer information into a table allowing the candidate to see the details at a glance rather than search for the information in blocks of text. The new letters are available on the OHR Hiring Letter Templates webpage and match those auto-generated for units transitioning through PEAK.

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 SkillSurvey reference process now requires three references, not five.

Reminder for tell graduating students their University access to applications will change upon graduation.

Fidelity has added a Roth In-Plan Conversion feature to the University of Minnesota 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, effective April 9, 2024.

Blacks in Industrial-Organizational Psychology named Nathan Price from OHR’s Talent Strategy team as the 2024 Impactful Professional of the Year.

Experian now using encrypted emails to protect the claimant's SSN.