HR Update

Lesley Williams and Clare Schleichert Join ELR Team

Please welcome Lesley Williams and Clare Schleichert to the ELR team! They begin September 24, 2024, as Senior Labor Relations Consultants. Lesley has more than 13 years of experience leading complex labor relations functions in the health and refinery industry where she's served as lead negotiator for multiple collective bargaining agreements. Clare has more than 10 years of experience in the health field as a trusted advisor on labor relations matters. She has experience leading negotiations, mediating, and responding to large organizing campaigns. We are excited to have them join our team.

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Find out what to do if you've received a suspicious email or phone call from someone offering financial advisory services.

Learn about Wellbeing Program resources and how to earn a discount on your health insurance.

The 2024 - 2027 contracts for Broadcast Technicians and Printers 1-B and 1-M  are now available online.

All employees are now eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected time in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a child.

Learn research-backed strategies for managing difficult emotions around the election with experts from the University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).