HR Update

Marissa S. with Goldy Gopher
Meet Marissa S.

Through the "Dear Minnesota" campaign, the University of Minnesota has collected stories of how the University has improved the lives of our students, faculty, and staff. Employee Marissa S. shared their story—here's an excerpt:

"The University of Minnesota's impact extends far beyond the walls of the campus, and I'm immensely proud to have played a small part in making our great state even better."

Read Marissa's full "Dear Minnesota" submission

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Missed a Summit session? View the presentations online.

Still time to participate in HR's strategic planning.

Did you know that you can get your pay more quickly and safely by signing up for direct deposit? 

ELR is offering three trainings this fall for HR practitioners.

Date, time, and locations known for 30-minute AFSCME-coordinated centralized new employee orientation (NEO) meetings.