HR Update

UMN Requirements for New Employee Orientation Meetings

We want to thank colleges, campuses, and units who are ensuring that new labor-represented employees are attending New Employee Orientation (NEO). Not only are you helping new employees transition smoothly into their roles, you are also helping the University comply with PELRA. Unfortunately, we continue to receive concerns from AFSCME, Teamsters, and GLU-UE that some colleges, campuses, and units are not complying with the NEO requirements. Here is what we have been told: 

  • HR is not informing the union of when NEO will take place
  • HR and/or supervisors are telling employees that NEO is optional
  • Supervisors are not sending employees to union NEO
  • HR points of contact for NEO are not responding to union outreach in select campus, college, or units

As a reminder, the University must comply with NEO requirements under PELRA. New labor-represented employees are expected to attend NEO, it is not optional since it is a part of their orientation. The Minn. Stat. Sec. 179A.07, Subd. 9 law allows unions to have in-person access to new employees in the bargaining unit for 30 minutes of paid time within 30 days of starting employment. If new employee orientations are being held, the applicable union(s) should be notified by local HR at least 10 days in advance. HR shall work with the union(s) to ensure compliance with this requirement which apply to all unions at the University, including LELS, 1-M, 1-B, IBEW, Trades Council(s), Teamsters, AFSCME, UEA-D, UEA-C, and GLU-UE. Local HR is also responsible for ensuring all supervisors understand the NEO requirements and their role in making sure new employees attend NEO with their unions. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Additionally, please remember that the following resources are available to the HR community to help ensure compliance with the new law. 

Please email when updates need to be made. 

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Date, time, and locations known for 30-minute AFSCME-coordinated centralized new employee orientation (NEO) meetings.

Beginning January 1, 2024, budgeted pay range must be included in every job posting.

Form allows for time sensitive removal of access.

Two senior labor relations consultants added to ELR team.

Learn about the importance of naming beneficiaries, and how to do it for each of your applicable University benefit providers.