Supervisory Development Content Library

Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace. 



An Overview of Selection and Hiring (3:14)

Watch "An Overview of Selection and Hiring" video.

Quick Guide

Analyzing the Needs of the Position

When in the process of selection and hiring, taking a step back to analyze the needs of the position is an
opportunity for a refreshed, clear view of how the open position can support your department or unit. It will
also help you increase your chances of finding someone who can contribute to your department’s needs and
priorities and will result in increased effectiveness for you, your hire, and your department.


Analyzing the Needs of the Position

This worksheet will help you accurately assess the needs of the position, allowing you to create an accurate and thoughtful job description that will attract a range of candidates.

Quick Guide

Interview Guide

Every candidate has a unique set of knowledge, skills and abilities, also known as behavioral competencies. Every position requires a specific set of these behavioral competencies. An effective interview allows you to match the candidate’s skill set with the behavioral competencies that the position needs. 


Interview Template

Practice and prepare for your next interview - download the Interview Template (MS Word) and copy-paste the interview questions that would help you be ready faster. 

Quick Guide

Making a Hiring Decision

When hiring don’t be tempted to rush the final decision. This may save time in the short term, but can lead to problems later if you end up hiring the wrong person. A sense of being rushed can lead to making a decision without fully considering the candidate’s development needs or not allotting time to address concerns that the hiring team has about the candidate.


Making a Hiring Decision (3:21)

Watch the "Making a Hiring Decision" video.

Quick Guide

Preparing for an Interview

Preparing for an interview helps you avoid leaning on your impressions of a candidate, which is commonly known as a “gut decision.” An objective and thorough interview process can help you make a solid hiring decision, which will help decrease unwanted turnover, improve engagement in department priorities and save time and money in the long run.

Online Module

Selection & Hiring

The selection and hiring process can be complex and overwhelming. Do you find yourself rushing to make a decision? Trying to find more time to discuss candidates? Wondering how to make the interview process more effective? There is value in stepping back and examining what you can do to make the process more effective.


Selection and Hiring

In this webinar, we discussed best practices in the selection and hiring process and how they can make your experiences more effective. We examined ways to identify common pitfalls in the selection and hiring process and resources available to help you avoid making these mistakes.