Meet Becky Schmidt

“I started in Landcare as a student worker, and I had a great time working alongside nice, smart, motivated people. I was hired on full time in 2005, and I’ve been here ever since.

“My job was easy enough to learn, but there are always new challenges. I love working outdoors on our beautiful campus. 

“We can take overtime as additional pay or save it as additional vacation time. That’s a huge benefit of working here.”—Becky Schmidt, Irrigation Technician, Teamsters Local 320

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Irrigation Technician Becky Schmidt shares her experience of working with U Services.

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Becky Schmidt on the mall with a Landcare vehicle

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Becky Schmidt on the mall with a Landcare vehicle
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Meet Bryn Rose

“The healthcare insurance is what convinced me to come here. I was getting frustrated with the high cost of insurance elsewhere and about to have my first kid. I had graduated with a bachelor’s from the U years ago, so I started looking into jobs here since I had heard the benefits were great for employees. I started at U Services three years ago, just before my son was born.

“I like that I work at an organization with a mission that I support that also offers excellent family benefits. The University has a huge pool of job opportunities, so there’s something here for everyone.”—Bryn Rose, Stores Specialist, Teamsters Local 320

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Stores Specialist Bryn Rose shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Bryn Rose next to a cart in the U Market Services warehouse

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Bryn Rose next to a cart in the U Market Services warehouse
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Meet Jeff Ryg

“I’ve been at the U since ‘93, and I didn’t plan on being here for 30 years. But what happens is you start working, you move around to different parts of the U, you get experience, and you realize that you can spend the rest of your career here. 

“If a job’s not working out for you, you can always try a different job on campus. That’s how I got to U Market Services, and now you’ll always see me with a smile on my face. I’m continually meeting new people, and it’s been fun to watch the campus change over the years.

“The job security is another thing that’s kept me here for so long. I’ve never been afraid of being laid off.”—Jeff Ryg, Delivery Service Driver, Teamsters Local 320

Learn about jobs with U Market Services.

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Jeff Ryg shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Jeff Ryg in front of a red U Market Services van

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Jeff Ryg in front of a red U Market Services van
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Meet Drew Cramer

“We receive packages for the entire Twin Cities campus and stock everyday materials that the campus needs to function. U Market Services can also buy commonly used products (such as toilet paper and lab materials) in bulk, which saves departments money.

“The benefits and the people I work with keep me around. Everyone’s usually got a smile on, but if you’re having a rough day we’re here for you. As essential workers we’ve been supporting each other through this entire pandemic. Plus the hours are great. I work 6:30–2:30, which gives me time after work to do whatever I want.

“One big misconception I see is that people outside of the U think you have to have gone to the U to work here. Not at all. It’s a welcoming environment regardless of where or if you went to school. And if you want to, you can take classes for free or reduced price while working here.”—Drew Cramer, Stores Specialist, Teamsters Local 320

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Stores Specialist Drew Cramer shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Drew Cramer at his work station with packages

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Drew Cramer at his work station with packages
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Meet Ernest Bergmann

“Before joining the University three years ago, I didn’t think I was University material, but campus needs people like me caring for it. I think the University represents a nice balance of people–you have the students, the staff, the professors, and visitors all coming together to enjoy our beautiful campus. 

“My favorite part of working here is the harmony between us and the variety of wildlife we get to see every day. We see a variety of birds, squirrels, bunnies, ducks and ducklings, geese and goslings, and foxes. I have one tree that I call Turkey Tree because of how many turkeys I see perched in its branches.

“The best time to see wildlife on campus is right away in the morning. We see hawks, eagles, and fledglings soaring over the river. And of course, there's nothing like seeing a mob of turkeys majestically stopping traffic and no one seems to mind.”—Ernest Bergmann, Senior Laborer, Teamsters Local 320 

Favorite type of tree: I appreciate the mighty oak.

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Ernest Bergmann shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Ernest Bergmann on the Twin Cities mall next to a blue truck

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Ernest Bergmann on the Twin Cities mall next to a blue truck
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Meet Elliot Redmann

"The U is an excellent place to work. I love feeling the energy and excitement from the University community, and it's fulfilling to watch the landscape and trees grow over time. That's not as common in the private industry, where you may only visit a site once or twice. The hours and people are great too!"—Elliot Redmann, Landcare Supervisor, Civil Service

Favorite trees (specifically on the Twin Cities campus): Knoll Area black walnut, Elliott Hall bur oak, Peters Hall hawthorn, East River Road Garage ginkgo

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Note: the tree cross section in the photo is a bur oak that dates back to 1783.

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Elliot Redmann shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Elliot Redmann in his office with a large bur oak cross-section

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Elliot Redmann in his office with a large bur oak cross-section
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Meet Steven Blodgett

“I’m one of those people who has always loved digging holes. 

“I studied the classics at the U and worked in Landcare as an undergrad to help pay tuition. I found out I liked working outside much more than working inside. When I graduated in 2016, my coworkers encouraged me to apply for an opening as a gardener. 

“I’m still passionate about Roman history, so I might use the Regents [Tuition Benefit Program] to further my education. That’s a great option at the University that I wouldn’t have in a similar role elsewhere.”—Steven Blodgett, Senior Gardener, Teamsters Local 320 

Favorite tree: white pine 

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Steven Blodgett shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Steven Blodgett

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Steven Blodgett
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Meet Matt Gingerich

“I’m working toward becoming a certified arborist, and the University is a great place to grow my skills. 

“Well-maintained trees help keep our buildings cooler, reduce our energy expenditure, sequester carbon, and provide a welcoming campus environment. We actively manage more than 10,000 trees by pruning them, treating them for illnesses, and, if needed, taking down dying trees to replace them with healthy new trees. 

“Being able to bike to work, learning from knowledgeable coworkers, and banking my overtime for more vacation are other reasons why I like working at the U.”—Matt Gingerich, Assistant Gardener, Teamsters Local 320  

Favorite tree: sugar maple

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Matt Gingerich shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Matt Gingerich next to a tree

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Matt Gingerich next to a tree
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Meet Dwayne Holmes

“I came to the University for the benefits, and I’m staying at the University for the benefits. I get paid holidays, vacations, and sick leave, as well as flexibility, stability, and health insurance. This is a place where I can work until I retire. And when I retire, I’ll have a University pension.

“At U Services, we try to keep things out of the landfill, whether through recycling or through our ReUse facility. The roles we play at the University are different than in a lot of private sector jobs. Every day we’re learning new things, and we regularly get training that helps us get better at our jobs and gain new skills.

“If you’re bored at your job, come work at U Services. We’ll match your skills and abilities to a job that’s right for you.”—Dwayne Holmes, Delivery Service Driver, Teamsters Local 320

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Dwayne Holmes shares his experience of working with U Services.

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Dwayne Holmes in the recycling facility with a cart

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Dwayne Holmes in the recycling facility with a cart
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Meet Nate Olson

“I spent most of my early career in the food service industry. A few years ago, I decided it was time to start a new chapter, so I headed to Rochester Community Technical College to become a vet tech. I’ve always loved animals, so this field is a great fit for me. 

“Interning at the Veterinary Medical Center proved that I was not only in the right field but also in the right clinic. Even as a nontraditional vet tech student, I fit right in at the VMC. I’m always learning, and so is everyone else. 

“In addition to a good work environment, I get fantastic benefits. The medical, dental, short- and long-term disability, and retirement pension I get at the University are phenomenal.”—Nate Olson, Senior Veterinary Technician, AFSCME Unit 7 - Technical

Learn more about veterinary technician jobs at the Veterinary Medical Center.

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Nate Olson shares his experience of working at the University's Veterinary Medical Center.

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Nate Olson in the Veterinary Medical Center

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Nate Olson in the Veterinary Medical Center
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