Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA) Posting Requirements

The Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), originally passed in 1974 and updated in 2014, is a federal law which prohibits discrimination against returning veterans. In addition to Vietnam-era veterans, this law also includes several other categories of veterans, called protected veterans:

  • Disabled veterans
  • Recently separated veterans
  • Active duty wartime or campaign veterans
  • Campaign badge veterans
  • Armed Forces service medal veterans


List all employment openings with the appropriate employment service delivery system with the state workforce agency job bank ( The opening must be posted in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment and in a way that will allow that system to provide priority referrals of veterans protected by VEVRAA for that job vacancy.

“All employment openings” includes all positions except:

  • Executive and senior management
  • Positions filled from within an organization where no consideration is given to persons outside the organization (e.g. student workers, graduate assistants)
  • Positions that the contractor proposes to fill from regularly established “recall” lists (e.g. priority hire)
  • Positions lasting three days or less

This is from the VEVRAA Code of Federal Regulations.

Key Considerations

To comply with VEVRAA, all positions at the University, including temporary and casual positions, must be posted. OHR has updated the Hiring Faculty and Staff administrative policy to reflect the job posting requirements.

All teaching positions must be posted, this includes lecturers, adjunct faculty etc. 

Consider posting continuous (evergreen) requisitions for positions you know you will fill throughout the year.

Temp Casuals, as listed in the union contract, must be posted. 

Roles and Responsibilities

Below are the roles and responsibilities of OHR, Local HR, Supervisors, Staffing Operations, and Talent Acquisition.

EntityRoles and Responsibilities
Office of Human Resources (OHR)Provide guidance on what positions must be posted. 
Local HR departmentsEnsure that the hiring managers are aware that all positions must be posted. Ensures that positions will be posted. 
Supervisors and managersEnsure that all positions are posted. Do not hire an employee (except students) without the position being posted.  
Staffing operationsPost open positions. Hire employees in PeopleSoft. 
OHR Talent Acquisition (TA)Provide advice on how to best post the position. 


Do we need to post post-doc positions? 

Postdocs are not considered students; they are employees with benefits. Therefore, their positions should be posted. 

Do I have to post temporary positions? 


Do I have to post lecturer positions? 


Do I have to post student positions? 

No. Currently, there is no posting requirement for student positions.  

Do I have to post temporary positions for seasonal work?

Yes. We suggest placing continuous postings. 

Do I have to post a position for a returning lecturer? 

No, as long as this person applied to the position before and is returning to the same position within one year. 

How long do I need to post a position? 

Every position must be posted for a minimum of 7 calendar days. 

Can I hire a recently graduated student worker into a temp casual position without posting it?

Yes, you can hire them for up to 3 months.

Do I have to post a paid internship? 

It depends. If it is an internship part of a student's study, then no, you do not need to post it. If it isn't, then you do need to post the position.

Do interim roles need to be posted internally and externally?


Do I have to post a position when the person is going on a short work break (SWB) and coming back as a part-time employee for the summer? 


Additional Questions or Clarifications

Please reach out to your TA contact.

Blog Abstract

The Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), originally passed in 1974 and updated in 2014, is a federal law which prohibits discrimination against returning veterans. Learn more about posting requirements.


Blog Post Categories

PAT Transition Guide

The Talent Strategy team is in the final stages of modernizing the University’s Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT) and has created a PAT Toolkit for HR Leads. The toolkit includes training information, a suggested timeline for communications to supervisors, and templates for HR Leads to use to prepare their units/college. The refreshed platform will launch in June and will provide a more intuitive user experience and resolve current pain points. A special thank you to Megan Ferden, Lynda Flores, and Jordan Denney for reviewing the toolkit. Contact Shannon Luloff ( with any questions.

Blog Abstract

PAT toolkit to help HR Leads communicate changes and new features.


Blog Post Categories

Laura Larson joining the ELR team

Laura Larson will be joining the ELR team on March 18, 2024. She has 20 years of HR leadership experience in the College of Veterinary Medicine and has been a strong partner with OHR. We are excited to have her be a part of our team. Please help us welcome Laura to OHR. An updated ELR Roles and Responsibilities chart will be available soon.

Blog Abstract

Laura starts as an ELR consultant on March 18, 2024.


Blog Post Categories

HR @ the U Training - March 19 and 20

HR @ the U is an opportunity for NEW HR practitioners to gain an understanding of HR policies, principles, and practices at the University of Minnesota as well as network with fellow HR professionals from across the system. 

We will host HR at the U on the following dates:


  • Tuesday, March 19 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. and 
  • Wednesday, March 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Location: Donhowe Building, Room 210

To RSVP, please fill out the registration form by Monday, March 11.

Blog Abstract

Register for HR @ the U by Monday, March 11.


Blog Post Categories

Essential Employee Template - Now Available

A new letter template is available to designate Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees for Campus and Building closures or a declaration of Reduced Operations.  This is saved as an appendix under the University State of Emergency: Human Resources Implications policy.

 It is expected that all Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees be notified of their role in writing.  This completed letter shall be saved in the employee’s personnel file. 

Blog Abstract

Notify Essential and Back-Up Essential Employees of their role using this template.


Blog Post Categories

Graduate Assistant Job Codes

We periodically receive questions on what job codes fall under the GA bargaining unit.  Please see below for a summary.  During bargaining with GLU-UE and the maintenance of status quo, terms and conditions of employment should not be modified for staff in these codes.   

Job Code



Research Assistant


Summer Term AF (w/o Tuit Ben)


Teaching Assistant


PhD Candidate Grad Instructor


Summer Sess TA (w/Tuit Ben)


Administrative Fellow


Advanced Masters Admin Fellow


Graduate Assistant Coach


PhD Candidate Teaching Asst


Graduate Research Project Asst


Ph D Cand Grad Rsrch Proj Asst


PhD Candidate Research Asst


Summer Term TA (w/o Tuit Ben)


Summer Term RA (w/o Tuit Ben)


Graduate Instructor


Advanced Masters Research Asst


Summer Sess TA (w/o Tuit Ben)


Advanced Masters Teaching Asst


PhD Candidate Admin Fellow

Blog Abstract

Job codes that fall under the GA bargaining unit.


Blog Post Categories

OHR Hiring Two Positions

HR Lead
OHR is hiring an HR Lead (job code: 9351GT) to shape and execute HR strategies and activities for OHR and its departments, including overseeing the PEAK Office. The ideal candidate will have at least six years of experience; a commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion; and strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Priority consideration will be given to internal candidates through March 14, 2024. Please share the job posting (job ID: 359858) with anyone you think may be interested. 

Classification Analyst
OHR is also hiring a classification analyst (job code: 8182HR). Successful candidates have a combined total of at least six years of education and experience, enjoy working at the University, and are interested in job classification. Experience with job classification is a plus but not required. Please share the job posting (job ID: 359894) with anyone who may be interested.

Blog Abstract

OHR is hiring an HR Lead and Classification Analyst.


Blog Post Categories

Save the Date: 2024 HR Summit

The 2024 HR Summit will be on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at Huntington Bank Stadium. It will be an all-day event and all HR professionals systemwide will be invited. We will share more information as planning progresses. Please share this information with your teams.

Blog Abstract

The 2024 HR Summit will be on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.


Blog Post Categories

Public Records and Records Management Slides

The Data Access and Privacy Office created a slide deck to help new employees understand data practices and records and data management at the University. Please include the slides in your new employee onboarding plan. Contact Susan McKinney ( with any questions.

Blog Abstract

Easy-to-share data practice and records slides for new employees.


Blog Post Categories

Save the Dates: HR at the U Training 

HR at the U is an opportunity for NEW HR practitioners to gain an understanding of HR policies, principles, and practices at the University of Minnesota as well as to network with other HR professionals from across the system. 

We will host HR at the U on the following dates:


  • Tuesday, March 19 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. and
  • Wednesday, March 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, July 30 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. and
  • Wednesday, July 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, December 3 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. and 
  • Wednesday, December 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Blog Abstract

HR at the U training dates for March, July, and December 2024.


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