HR Update

New Employee Orientation Meetings

As a reminder, the University must comply with new employee orientation (NEO) requirements under PELRA. New labor-represented employees are expected to attend NEO, it is not optional since it is a part of their orientation. The Minn. Stat. Sec. 179A.07, Subd. 9 law allows unions to have in-person access to new employees in the bargaining unit for 30 minutes of paid time within 30 days of starting employment. If new employee orientations are being held, the applicable union(s) should be notified by local HR at least 10 days in advance. HR shall work with the union(s) to ensure compliance with this requirement which applies to all unions at the University, including LELS, 1-M, 1-B, IBEW, Trades Council(s), Teamsters, AFSCME, UEA-D, UEA-C, and GLU-UE. Local HR is also responsible for ensuring all supervisors understand the NEO requirements and their role in ensuring new employees attend NEO with their unions. 

For Graduate Assistants: Note that NEO requirements pertain to employees. They DO NOT pertain to graduate students or fellows who are not in GA appointments.  If you encounter the union requesting to meet with graduate students or fellows, please contact Senior Labor Consultant Coy Hillstead. 

Additionally, remember that the following resources are available to the HR community to help ensure compliance with the new law. 

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HR Leads should use this chart to guide you in who to contact at ELR in early 2024 while the team fills several positions.

This is a reminder that employees whose positions are designated as “Essential” (pertaining to a University state of emergency) need to be informed of such status in writing. 

Updates to entertainment discounts offered through MERSC

The Office of Human Resources is proud to co-sponsor the Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing’s Wellbeing Series of free webinars.

The next UEA mediation session is scheduled for March 18, 2024.