Many organizations are facing challenges that require more flexibility, faster decision-making, and enhanced collaboration across different departments, units, or even functions. The University of Minnesota is no exception.
Accountability is a cornerstone for fostering success, whether in the classroom, the lab, the clinic, the office, and everywhere else work and learning happens. At its core, accountability is the connection between actions, or the lack thereof, and concrete consequences, whether positive or negative.
This issue provides a refresher on what works in the performance review process while highlighting the best practices supervisors should consider before the review discussion.
In working with leaders and their Employee Engagement Survey data or other group feedback, Talent Strategy finds three common roadblocks to making the most of group feedback.
While the survey results show that employee experience and engagement varies widely by campus, college, unit, and department, one thing is clear regardless of location: when managers and leaders address employee engagement, faculty and staff are more likely to be engaged.
While much of the future is unknown, we can help the faculty and staff that we supervise to develop the knowledge and skills they will need when the pandemic places fewer limitations on our lives.