Supervisory Development Content Library
Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace.
2023 Supervising Undergraduate Students
Students are a core part of our mission at the University. For many students, the University of Minnesota is not only a place where they go to school and forge friendships, it is also a place where they get their first job experience. Balancing the need to support and develop students while ensuring that essential tasks are completed can be challenging.
Building Resilient Teams and Departments
Today's workplace is filled with change, so it's likely that you've experienced moments of stress and ambiguity. As a supervisor, you have the power to build resilience within your team and remain effective during hard times.
Carrying on Mission-Critical Work in Difficult Times
The circumstances of the last few weeks have required us to shift priorities and adapt to new ways of working. It can be challenging to lead your dispersed team to get results in innovative ways.
Delegate to Achieve and Empower
Delegating effectively is more than just assigning a task, it’s getting the work done through other people. As a supervisor, you need to know which tasks are appropriate to delegate and which are not, who to delegate to, and how to ensure the project is on track.
Delegate to Achieve and Empower Webinar (49:21)
Watch the Delegate to Achieve and Empower Webinar.
Driving Action Through Accountability
The decisions you make when your employees exceed, meet, or do not meet expectations create standards for accountability.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is the extent to which we, as employees, expend energy and effort at work. Peak engagement happens when we face meaningful challenges while having the support and resources we need to succeed.
Employee Engagement - Questions & Answers
This page contains questions asked on the topic of employee engagement both during the webinar and via the Have a Question feature. For your convenience, we have the questions broken out by theme.
Employee Engagement in Action
Creating engagement happens every day, and everyone can find ways to make our experiences at work more fulfilling. The content was built based on themes from participant evaluation feedback, comments, and questions and focuses on the challenges supervisors face in taking action on employee feedback.